Dr. Vincenzo Di Marzo
Dr. Vincenzo Di Marzo is Canada Excellence Research Chair on the Microbiome-Endocannabinoidome Axis in Metabolic Health at Université Laval, Quebec, and the director of the Joint International Research Unit between the Italian National Research Council and Université Laval, for Chemical and Biomolecular Research on the Microbiome and its impact on Metabolic Health and Nutrition.
He obtained a PhD in Biochemistry from Imperial College in London in 1988. Co-author of more than 780 articles published in peer-reviewed journals (H index 136 according to Scopus), he has been listed for the last 8 years among the Highly Cited Researchers (https://hcr.clarivate.com).
> https://cerc-mend.chaire.ulaval.ca/en/the-team/vincenzo-di-marzo/